Saturday, 11 August 2007

Valentino Rossi and His Nicknames

Among MotoGP racers, Valentino Rossi is the most famous and phenomenal racer. Other MotoGP racers usually only has one nicknames (even some racers don't have any nickname) but Rossi has three famous nicknames.
1. Rossifumi
Rossifumi sounds close to Norifumi (Abe), Japanesse GP racers in Yamaha D'Antin who always used number 6. Yupz, Rossifumi is a tribute to Norifumi Abe because Rossi has spectacular performance in Suzuka circuit, as spectacular as Norifumi Abe's.
Because of his spectacular performance in Suzuka, Rossi is also called Kingu Suzuka (same with Norifumi Abe's tittle).
2. Valentinik
Valentinik comes from Paperinik, an Italian Donald Duck superhero. Yupz...the use of this nickname is because of two reasons, Rossi is an Italian and Rossi is a superhero in GP.
3. The Doctor
This nicknames has been used by Rossi since his golden era in 500 cc when he dominates this class. This nickname has been attributed to his cold and clinical dismantling of his opponents.